Five Tips To Help Prevent Childhood Cavities

No parent wants their child to get a cavity. Although some children are more prone to cavities due to genetics, there are steps to prevent or at least control tooth decay. With regular dental care and proper hygiene early in life, cavities and decay should never be an extreme issue for your child. 1. Hygiene At Home Start brushing your child's teeth before the first baby tooth ever erupts. Use a finger brush made for rubbing an infant's gums. [Read More]

What To Expect With Your Denture Relining

Today's dentures look and feel as good as your natural teeth, and just like your natural teeth they need occasional maintenance. While they may look natural, dentures are made of man-made materials that are more impervious to wear than your real teeth. That means long-lasting smiles but it also can mean that the gums underneath your dentures will be doing all the changing. All living tissues like gums and bones are constantly changing. [Read More]