If You're Caring For An Elderly Relative, Keep Gum Health In Mind

Many people are under the impression that tooth loss is just a normal part of old age. For this reason, caregivers are not often startled when their elderly relatives lose teeth or have to start wearing dentures. Actually, tooth loss in the elderly is not just a fact of life – it's the result of untreated gum disease that has been allowed to progress to the point that it's caused damage to the ligaments and tissues that anchor the teeth in place. [Read More]

3 Tissue Grafts Frequently Used In Prosthodontic Work

By the time many patients make it to the prosthodontic office, their oral care has taken a sharp turn for the worse. As teeth rot, break and fall out, tissue and bone damage begins and continually worsens until the oral structures are unable to support implants and other restorative devices. Prosthodontic professionals must rebuild the damaged tissue and bone using a number of innovative materials. These materials may come from the patient's body, synthetics created in the lab or cadaver donors. [Read More]